The Warriors of Stillness trilogy is the record of my experiences and investigations into the internal martial arts since 1976.

Qigong of the Center
Volume 1 (1995) covers the second period of my development (1987-1997) when I learned the wuji qigong style of standing meditation from Taiji Master Cai Songfang, who taught in California in the late eighties and early nineties. I got into the habit of tape recording his teachings in real time and the transcripts of those tapes formed the substance of my first book.
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The Tao of Yiquan
Volume 2 (1999) published four years later, covers the first period of my development (1976 -1987) when I learned the zhanzhuang style of standing meditation with Yiquan Masters Han Xingyuan and Yu Pengxi. But Volume 2 is also a bridge to the third period of my development–and to the present. In 1997 I became a student of Master Tam Maanyin, known in North America as Master Sam Tam, and the last part of Volume 2 describes my initial experiences with him.
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Masters of Perception
Volume 3 (2013) covers the third period of my development (1997 and beyond) and is based on my studies with Master Sam Tam, who is indeed a "Master of Perception." While the breadth and power of his skills are dazzling, it is their extraordinary depth and subtlety that led to this book. Enlisting the help of modern science, particularly bio-mechanics and neuro-science, Volume 3 attempts to chart the paradoxical territory that is the internal martial arts and to lay the ground work for further exploration.
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